Patient Information – Penis Surgery Info
The Journey (An Overview)
You are going to be presented with a tried and true surgical therapy which has not only stood the test of time but has gotten better and better since its inception. It is not experimental anymore. You will be given the chronology of our typical treatment schedule.
Initial Consult
- It is our goal to give each patient the information necessary for that patient to make an informed decision regarding penile enlargement. Enlargement consists of two surgical procedures – lengthening and widening. These procedures can be done separately or can be combined and done as one single surgical procedure.
- Eighty percent (80%) of patients will do lengthening and widening together. At the initial consult the procedures will be described in detail. You will be examined and given an assessment of what I recommend can be done in accordance with your wishes and your physical exam. I tell you what can be done- you decide what you want to do.
- Lengthening is done the same everywhere and can be done for almost all patients.
- There are two ways to accomplish widening – graft and fat. Each will be described to you with their advantages and disadvantages. I will discuss in detail why we prefer the fat and use models to illustrate the process. I will make recommendations based on what can be done according to your wishes and your physical exam. You make the final choice.
Should you wish to proceed
- You will coordinate with our staff a date for your surgery. You will be given a date for your pre-operative exam at which time you will have blood drawn, sign consents, have pictures taken (for your chart only), and go over again what you can expect post-operatively.
Surgery day
- A member of the anesthesia staff will visit with you prior to the procedure, and confirm that you meet the requirements for a safe and pleasant experience.
- You will NOT have had anything to eat or drink since midnight the night prior to your surgery unless instructed specifically by me to do so!
Post-Op Day 1
- You will be seen the day after surgery when bandages will be removed. You will be instructed in wrapping and stretching techniques and any questions will be answered.
Post-Op Day (14-21)
- You will return for fitting with an extender, if you have had the lengthening procedure or for observation if you have had only a widening procedure.
Post-Op Day 30
- You are free to engage in all activities including sexual intercourse if you desire. Heavy physical activity such as jogging and weight lifting can commence. You will use the extender as advised taking it off for sex or heavy physical activity. The extender should be used for 6 hours a day for 6 months for optimal results.
Post-Op Day 60
- This is the earliest that a second fat injection can be considered. As long as fat is available you can continue to widen every two (2) months until the desired width is achieved.
- These fat injections are done with a local anesthetic so that you may drive in, do the procedure under a local injection and drive out without having to come back the next day.
- Each time there is a procedure done, you must abstain from sex or masturbation for thirty (30) days.
Post-Op 6 Months
- Your extender may be discontinued.
- Your length and width are now permanent. You have arrived.