Many of those who have had male enhancement surgery will be entering sexual relationships shortly thereafter. At this time, it is important to consider just how important practicing safe sex is, what questions you need to be asking yourself and what myths continue to be spread today.
As long as you understand what these reasons are and what may or may not result from the sexual experience, there is nothing inherently wrong with the decision that you make. Of course, some will abstain until after they are married to their partner while others see nothing wrong with having sex with somebody they just met.
However, you may want to be wary if you are having sex to prove something to yourself following your penis enlargement surgery, out of boredom or because you are drunk or drugged. This is important because having sex in these types of situations tends to be more risky, more apt to cause sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to be transmitted and pregnancies to occur.
Clearly, the odds of this happening go up significantly if birth control is not used. For example, if a couple has unprotected sex on a regular basis for a year, there is an 86 percent chance that a pregnancy will result. This percentage obviously decreases to varying levels depending on which form of birth control is used.
However, the odds are never zero. Even in the case of vasectomy, the vasa deferentia, the tubes that carry the sperm and which are cut during the procedure, grow back together about 0.1 percent of the time. For that reason, it is important to factor in the chances that a pregnancy may occur when deciding when and with whom to have sex with.
As with pregnancy, there is no foolproof method of avoiding STDs other than simply not having sex in the first place. Catching an STD is always possible, and this fact should be considered.
However, do realize that it is always best to reduce those odds to as low a number as possible. And items such as condoms, dental dams and certain types of lubricants do significantly reduce your chances of contracting an STD; one or more of these should be used when practicing safe sex.
Of course, it is also important that those who have recently had phalloplasty surgery take into consideration many common myths about safe sex that have been spread over the past several years and decades. Here are a couple of the more common ones.
Although the odds that HIV will be spread from an infected partner to an uninfected one increases when they engage in anal sex to about 18 times as much as vaginal, plenty of risk remains when vaginal intercourse is performed.
Although the odds may seem long at about once in every 2,500 instances of vaginal sex, remember that the odds increase every time you have intercourse. For example, engaging in this sex act 20 times changes the odds that you will contract HIV to about one in 125.
This statement could not be further from the truth as many suffering from STDs do not experience noticeable symptoms until a significant amount of time has passed since contracting the disease. In fact, this is a primary reason why the rate of STD transference is as high as it is as many errantly believe that since they are not showing symptoms, they must be healthy. Some of the more common STDs that provide no symptoms in many instances include chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV. For that reason, it is especially important to be regularly tested for these three diseases.