Pubic Tuck and Lengthening

A common problem of larger male patients who express a desire for added length is the excess skin and fat that forms in the pubic area above the penis.

Many times liposuction alone of the area will be sufficient to uncover the base of the penis if the skin is not excessive.

If the skin is excessive then, it must be removed to obtain added length. The skin acts like a turtle neck sweater and covers the base of the penis. Removal of the skin alone will result in 1/2 to 1 inch added length.

Removal must be done at the same time as ligament release to get the best result possible.

Ligament release by itself would be inadequate for maximal results as long as the excess skin is present.

The procedure for removing the excess skin is called a pubic tuck. While not as extensive as the abdominoplasty the incision is usually placed in a crease in the pubic area and improves with time.

The tradeoff makes it worthwhile to accomplish the end result. – Turtle necks have their place – but only above the waist.