If you’re worried that your penis looks small, you might wonder what male enhancement options there are. Surgery is one of the most effective ways to increase penis size.
One common procedure many men don’t know about is the pubic tuck. We can pair this procedure with penis enlargement surgeries to help you achieve a longer look for your penis.
There are many reasons why you might need a pubic tuck to enhance the look of your penis. A pubic tuck is also known as monsplasty, as it removes excess fat and skin from the mons pubis.
This is the fat pad directly surrounding your penis.
Unfortunately, when you have extra fat or skin in this area, it can make your penis look smaller. The extra tissue can actually hide the base of the penis, making it look even inches shorter than it truly is. Yet, many men struggle to target weight loss in this area. A pubic tuck helps with this because your surgeon actually removes the fat and extra skin to tighten the mons pubis and expose more of the penis.
Therefore, if you have extra weight in the pubic area, a pubic tuck procedure might be the right answer for male enhancement.
It’s common for Houston male cosmetic surgery to pair pubic tuck procedures with penis lengthening procedures, like suspensory ligament release.
This can help you gain more visual length to your penis by reducing the fat around the base of the penis and also allowing more of the penis to hang outside of the body. Combining the procedures may be helpful for getting the results you want to help you feel more confident in your penis size.
It’s important to note that not everyone is a good candidate for pubic tuck and penis enlargement surgery. First, you should be in good overall health to reduce the risk of complications for your surgery.
Also, because a pubic tuck involves removing excess fat, our surgeon may recommend waiting until you’re at your goal weight and maintain it steadily for a certain period of time.
This is because if you gain weight again, it may affect your results after surgery. A pubic tuck isn’t an alternative to weight loss, but it can remove stubborn fat and skin that makes your penis look shorter or smaller.