Houston penis enlargement procedures can help increase the size of your flaccid penis. Both lengthening and widening procedures can help your penis look bigger. Flaccid penis size is important to many men for several reasons, including self-esteem and to feel attractive to their partners.
Male enhancement surgeries can help increase the length and girth of your penis. There are several procedures to choose from to help enhance the look of your penis. Lengthening procedures include suspensory ligament release to let more of the penis hang outside of the body. Many men also choose a pubic tuck to make the penis look longer. With these procedures, the length of your flaccid penis may appear one to two inches longer.
Widening Houston penis enlargement from our team typically involves using your own fat to make the circumference of your penis larger. To increase penis girth, we typically take fat from an area of your body, like the pubic fat pad, purify it, and then inject it into the penis. These widening procedures can help increase girth for both the erect and flaccid state of the penis.
You may be wondering why flaccid penis size matters. In the “soft” state, the penis is typically smaller than in the erect state. The average size of the erect penis is pretty similar among most adult men. Flaccid penis size, however, varies widely according to many studies. While the average flaccid penis is 3.61 inches long and 3.66 inches wide, some men may have one inch long flaccid penises while others may have four inch long flaccid penises. Therefore, there is a larger range of “normal” for flaccid penises.
Penis size in general can have a significant impact on self-esteem. One study found that men who perceived their penis as smaller also rated themselves lower for attractiveness, including facial attractiveness. Body image scores were also often lower for those who perceived their penises as smaller than average compared to those who rated their penis as average or larger than average length. Men who believed their penises were smaller than average also said they were more likely to hide their penis during sex or be uncomfortable undressing in front of their partners.
Even if your penis is average sized, low self-esteem from a perceived smaller penis can cause many problems in life, including stress, relationship problems, and depression. These can all affect your mental, emotional, and even physical wellbeing.
Many men may experience distress over their flaccid penis size because they may be afraid sexual partners may be less attracted to them. There may be some truth to this. In some studies, flaccid penis length does affect women’s perceptions of attractiveness. The larger the penis, the more attractive the women in the study rated the photograph. Significant increases in attractiveness scores were seen up to around a three inch long flaccid penis. After that, attractiveness ratings still increased, just at smaller intervals.
Therefore, there may be many reasons why men may worry about the size of their flaccid penis. This is often the reason for men to seek penis enlargement solutions. If you’re exploring your options for getting a bigger penis, surgery may help you achieve better confidence in your penis size.