Difficulties in sexual life make any man nervous. But sometimes this is just a symptom that shows at the great health problems. It is necessary to start treatment in time, so later it would not be painful.
Sexual problems in men are usually connected with age. It's right. The older the person becomes, the higher the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED): from 5-8% in young to 75-80% in the eighty-year-olds.
However, dysfunction and impotence are just signs of more complex diseases. Here are six causes of sexual failures, which are more important than impotence itself.
ED under the age of 45 years is a risk factor for coronary insufficiency. This is a condition when cholesterol, thrombus or connective tissues narrow the lumen of the coronary arteries. As a result, blood does not reach the heart in the right volume; ischemic heart disease develops with all the unpleasant consequences: arrhythmia, heart failure.
How does this relate to an erection? The inner layer of vessels - the endothelium - signals when the vessels should contract and relax. When the endothelium does not work, the walls of the arteries cannot relax. Finally, blood vessels that need to fill the penis with blood do not work.
Since the arteries of the reproductive system are narrower than those that feed the brain and heart, first of all violations break through the erection, and coronary insufficiency is revealed later. If you still smoke or you have excess weight, the risk of problems with the heart increases.
This problem is connected with the previous one. ED is only one of the signs of narrowing the lumen of the arteries. If the vessels do not let blood into the organ, then the tissues of this organ are damaged because of a shortage of blood supply. This leads to a violation of blood flow, stroke or heart attack.
In recent years, a lot of studies have been carried out to confirm this connection. Professor Dr. Mohit Khera says that 15% of men with erectile dysfunction during seven years experience serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
In case of problems with potency, you must seriously think about the visit to the cardiologist. In the emergence of many cardiological diseases can be blamed the fault of the formation of a substance such as nitric oxide.
Diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases for potency that influences both the blood flow and the nervous system. Men who suffer from diabetes are 6 times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than those who do not suffer from this disease.
Men with erectile dysfunction suffer from dementia 1.5 times more often than men without problems with potency. This does not mean that dementia appears due to impotence or vice versa. The direct dependence of these diseases was not found.
Simply, these are two consequences of the same disorder: for example, atherosclerosis.
Prostate cancer is not the major reason of ED. But the treatment of this cancer may also lead to a side effect. During surgery, there is a risk of damage to the nerves, as well as radiation therapy and strong drugs do not contribute to normal potency - in the treatment of blood vessels suffer, without which there is no erection.
The worse things are with the erection, the more serious the problem with the liver. ED is one of the symptoms of liver cirrhosis. Due to it, the level of SHBG (globulin binding sex hormones) rises and the level of albumin decreases.
These are two proteins that affect the level of testosterone - a hormone that affects the potency.
If there are not enough hormones, there is no erection, although other problems lead to ED. If the liver is affected by alcohol, then the cause of sexual failures can also be in the influence of ethanol.
The liver, as it is known, can be affected by the quality of food, the amount of alcohol consumed, as well as the environmental situation in which a man works.
Especially, if the profession is connected with the evaporation of metals. Therefore, in people with hepatic insufficiency, with hepatitis, abusing alcohol, testosterone is produced in very small quantities.
As a result, a sexual activity decreases. Man experiences the growth of the breast gland, hair loss, fat is deposited on the buttocks and thighs.
First of all, do not start the usage of pills that improves potency, because they do not cure the cause, but only eliminate the symptom. If you do not look after your body, you can fail to notice a serious illness.
The best protection against ED is prevention, that is, a normal healthy way of life, which includes proper nutrition, healthy sleep and moderate physical activity. Do not run the problem and live life to the fullest.