Sexual Desire

September 4, 2019
Why Lasting Longer in Bed Is Not as Important as You Think
Despite depictions in movies and magazines, research indicates that most women are not looking for a sexual marathon man in bed. The duration […]
December 3, 2018
Lubricants are a Cost-Effective Way to Enhance Your Sex Life
Finding the right ways to enhance your sexual experience can help you to enjoy the greatest satisfaction during intimate […]
February 2, 2017
How to Impress the Special Woman in Your Life
Impressing your significant other can sometimes seem like an impossible task. Budget constraints and lack of time can make it difficult to go on that […]
August 7, 2015
Non-ED Penile And Erection Changes For Men Over 50
Although spam emails and commercials make most people think that all men over the age of 50 have erectile dysfunction (ED), this is not true. Not […]