Penis Enlargement

December 2, 2022
Penis Enlargement Surgery: What to Know
Approximately 45% of men say they would like a larger penis. If you fall into this category, then penis enlargement surgery can help. This surgery can […]
September 2, 2022
Penis Lengthening: Does Apple Juice Make Your Penis Bigger?
Many men are unhappy with the size of their penis, often looking for penis lengthening solutions. Recently […]
August 2, 2022
Shapes of Penises & Houston Penis Enlargement Surgery
Everyone is different, so it makes sense that most penises look different as well. However, there are general categories of penis shapes […]
June 2, 2022
Male Enhancement: Why Get Pubic Tuck with Penis Enlargement
If you’re worried that your penis looks small, you might wonder what male enhancement options there are. Surgery […]
May 2, 2022
Penis Enlargement Surgery vs. Penis “Enlarging” Oils
Every day we see new advertisements for the latest “breakthrough” in penis enlargement, despite a lack of scientific evidence. Many people wonder if […]
March 2, 2022
ADHD Medications May Shrink Penis Size
Many men seek penis enlargement surgery because they’re unhappy with their size. In some cases, this is fueled by dissatisfaction with […]
February 2, 2022
Houston Penis Enlargement Surgery Age Requirements
If you’re considering Houston penis enlargement surgery, it’s important to understand whether or not you’re a good […]
January 3, 2022
Is Fat Transfer Penile Surgery Permanent?
Penile surgery can help you achieve a larger penis to help boost your self esteem. Many men wonder what options exist and how long […]
December 2, 2021
Penile Surgery Helps Increase Girth for Her Pleasure
When discussing penis size, there’s a lot of focus on penis length. However, girth is also an important part of penis size, particularly […]
November 2, 2021
Houston Penis Enlargement: Increasing Flaccid Size
Houston penis enlargement procedures can help increase the size of your flaccid penis. Both lengthening and widening procedures can help […]
October 1, 2021
Penile Surgery: Ligament Release vs. Penuma Implant
Many men want a bigger penis, and penile surgery may help you achieve this goal. There are a lot of different surgical options […]
September 2, 2021
What’s a Micropenis? Can Houston Penis Enlargement Help?
If you have an abnormally small penis, you might have micropenis. Many men with this condition seek Houston penis enlargement […]
August 2, 2021
Tips for Making Your Penis Look Bigger
Interested in penis lengthening? You’re not alone. According to a 2019 survey by Men’s Health, about 17% of men felt their […]
July 2, 2021
Penis Enlargement Surgery: Become a Shower Not a Grower
Are you a grower and wish you were a shower? Penis enlargement surgery may help you become more of a shower! Enlarging procedures […]
April 30, 2021
Houston Penis Enlargement May Help Sexual Confidence
How do you get more confidence in the bedroom? This is something that many men worry about. Low confidence can make intimacy […]
April 2, 2021
Do I Need to be Circumcised for Penis Enlargement Surgery?
If you’re considering penis enlargement surgery, you may wonder if you need to be circumcised. Circumcision is a surgical procedure […]
March 2, 2021
Houston Male Enhancement: Fat Transfer vs. Fillers
Houston male enhancementfor girth gain is a great way to help you feel more confident. Today, there are several options for […]
December 31, 2020
Is Penis Size Genetic?
Are you concerned that your penis is too short or too thin? If so, you may be wondering what exactly determines penis size. Why […]
December 2, 2020
Stretching After Phalloplasty for Length
Many men feel self-conscious about their penis length. Modern phalloplasty techniques can help you look longer and feel more confident […]
October 2, 2020
Why Avoid Vitamin E After Penis Lengthening Surgery?
If you’re considering penis lengthening surgery, you may have noticed that we recommend avoiding vitamin E for two weeks […]
July 20, 2020
What to Consider Before Penile Surgery
Penile surgery can enhance your penis size to help improve your confidence. You may consider penis enlargement if you’re dissatisfied […]
April 2, 2020
Age-Related Penis Shrinkage & Penis Enlargement
Something many men don’t realize is that your penis can shrink with age. Luckily, penis enlargement surgery can help improve the […]
March 2, 2020
Penis Satisfaction Affects Your Intimate Experiences
How happy you are with your penis can affect how sexually active and sexually satisfied you are. However, if you are self-conscious […]
November 1, 2019
Common FAQ’s About Phalloplasty and Houston Penis Enlargement Surgery
Simply put, phalloplasty is the surgical enhancement of the appearance, function, or size of the penis. Understanding these procedures will […]
October 9, 2019
The Effects of Penis Lengthening and Enlargement on Sexual Performance
Penis lengthening or enlarging procedures are becoming more accepted by men in the U.S. and around the world. These procedures […]
June 5, 2019
Mighty Manhood: Houston Male Cosmetic Surgery and Penis Enlargement
Penis size is a concern for many men and can lead to anxiety about the ability to satisfy a partner in intimate […]
January 9, 2019
How Your Penis Changes as You Age
As men grow older, their physical attributes change as a result of the aging process. In some cases, the size, color or sensitivity of the penis change over […]
January 2, 2018
Pubic Tuck Penis Lengthening Surgery
If you are considering your options for male enhancement surgery, a pubic tuck procedure could be the right answer for adding length and increasing […]
November 30, 2017
Dangers of Trendy Penis Enlargement Exercises
If you are considering male cosmetic surgery to correct issues or to increase the size of your penis, you may also be thinking […]
May 8, 2015
Why Penis Enlargement Pumps, Creams and Pills Do Not Work
If you have Internet access, you have probably heard of the thriving industry of penis enlargement. Pills, pumps, creams and other “male enhancement” […]
May 1, 2014
Why Male Enhancement Pills and Devices Are Not Good Choices
Many men understandably obsess over the size of their sexual response to attractive sexual partners, and a fair number of anxious men […]